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DatoCMS changelog for new features and general improvements
New hooks available in Plugins SDK
May 9th, 2023

We've super excited to announce we've added a couple of new very useful hooks in our Plugin SDK! 🥳

Custom sidebars

The first one lets you add custom sidebars next to your records form:

You can take a look at a real-world example of this hook in the upgraded Web Previews plugin, which now can offer your editors side-by-side previews of unpublished/draft content, directly within DatoCMS:

Custom record presentation

The second hook enables you to customize the presentation of your records according to your specific needs. This level of flexibility empowers you to create a unique and tailored user experience that aligns with your goals.

The buildItemPresentationInfo hook can be used in numerous ways. For example, you can:

  • Combine multiple fields to present a record;

  • Generate a preview image on the fly;

  • Perform asynchronous API requests to third parties to compose the presentation.

Content Delivery API
Improved multi-locale fields and meta fields in Content Delivery API
May 8th, 2023
Current behavior

Both locale: and fallbackLocales: arguments can be passed to multi-locale fields, but both arguments are completely ignored:

query {
allBlogPosts {
_allTitleLocales(locale: it_IT, fallbackLocales: [it, en]) {

Similarly, the fallbackLocales: argument can be passed down to meta fields, but it's ignored:

query {
_allBlogPostsMeta(fallbackLocales: [it, en]) {
Improved behavior

Both the locale: argument in multi-locale fields, and the fallbackLocales: argument in meta fields are removed, as they make no sense.

The fallbackLocales: argument in multi-locale fields is now taken into consideration when a value for a particular locale is missing:

query {
allBlogPosts {
noFallbacks: _allTitleLocales {
withFallbacks: _allTitleLocales(fallbackLocales: [en]) {
_allBlogPostsMeta {
"allBlogPosts" {
noFallbacks: [
{ locale: "it", value: "" },
{ locale: "es", value: "Título" },
{ locale: "en", value: "Title" },
withFallbacks: [
{ locale: "it", value: "Title" },
{ locale: "es", value: "Título" },
{ locale: "en", value: "Title" },
"_allBlogPostsMeta": {
"count": 3
Who is affected by this change?

This change will apply to all brand new DatoCMS projects created from today onwards. If you have an existing project that you'd like to update, you can manually do so in the Environment Settings.

Please note that this change cannot be undone, so we strongly recommend testing the effects in a sandbox environment before applying the change to your primary environment.

UI Improvement
Media are filtered based on the accepted asset types
May 2nd, 2023

We recently released a tiny, tiny improvement that should help people frequently working with the media gallery: as of now, when filling in a media field that validates the type of file that can be uploaded, the media gallery is open with a filter already set.

So, the initial list of media displayed when the gallery appears is limited to the usable uploads. The filter can be removed to access all the contents of the media gallery.

Content Management API
Assign a creator at item creation via API
April 28th, 2023

Since today it's possible to assign a creator when an item is created via API. The creator can be anyone that belongs to the site or the organization. The call must be made using a token with permission to edit the creator.

API users can assign the creator by declaring the type and the ID of the desired creator in the relationship field of the creation request:

X-Api-Version: 3
Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-TOKEN
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
"data": {
"type": "item",
"attributes": { [...] }
"meta": { [...] },
"relationships": {
"item_type": {
"data": {
"type": "item_type",
"id": "44"
"creator": {
"data": {
"type": "account",
"id": "312"
NewContent Delivery API
Introducing explicit AND operators in filter expressions for enhanced convenience
April 19th, 2023

Filter expression conditions have always been implicitly combined using a logical AND. However, there are situations where explicitly incorporating an AND expression can greatly improve the filtering experience:

query {
filter: {
AND: [
{ name: { matches: { pattern: "Blank" } },
{ name: { matches: { pattern: "Banshee" } }
) {

In the example provided, the same filter type is required multiple times within the same expression. Without an explicit AND operator, this would not be achievable.

We're excited to announce that alongside the pre-existing OR operator, you can now seamlessly incorporate explicit AND operators into your GraphQL queries for optimal flexibility and customization.

Content Delivery API
cssRgb string for color fields now available in CDA
April 13th, 2023

To make integrating with your front-end easier, we decided to have the CDA returning a handy string containing the rgb() functional notation of a color field, expressed with the current standard syntax.

As an example, the following query:

leaf {
color {

Returns a string containing three space-separated values, representing respectively values for red, green, and blue. Optionally, it may also include a slash / followed by a fourth value, representing alpha.

"data": {
"leaf": {
"color": {
"cssRgb": "rgb(213 185 185 / .43)"
Content Management APIUI ImprovementSecurity
Multiple-paragraph text field now supports HTML sanitization
April 13th, 2023

We recently introduced the possibility of validating and sanitising HTML content in multiple-paragraph text fields.

A screenshot that shows the feature in the Validations tab of a field editing modal.

The feature is made of 2 parts:

  • By enabling the validation flag "Prevent the use of dangerous HTML attributes", the editors will be prevented from saving a record if potentially dangerous HTML is present in the field;

  • When the "Remove potentially dangerous attributes" flag is enabled, sanitization will be applied before the validation: field content is potentially subject to changes during the validation phase.

Most of our customers that want to use the feature will probably want to enable both flags. Validation without sanitization is meant for customers who want to apply specific sanitization strategies by developing a custom plugin.

To fix and check the HTML, we used the beautiful sanitize library made by Ryan Grove. Specifically, we went for the relaxed configuration, that allows safe markup, including images and tables, as well as safe CSS. Links are limited to FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and mailto protocols, while images are limited to HTTP and HTTPS. rel="nofollow" is not added to links.

The feature also affects our Content Management API.

NewContent Delivery API
Image placeholders now support transparency
April 13th, 2023

We're happy to announce that low-quality image placeholders (LQIP) offered by the GraphQL Content Delivery API via the responsiveImage and blurUpThumb queries, now fully support images with alpha channels!

You can read the complete announcement in our blog post.

Content Delivery API
Upcoming changes in GraphQL query complexity limit
April 12th, 2023

Our GraphQL service is implementing a new change starting from June 12, 2023. GraphQL requests with a complexity score above 10,000,000 will return an error message. We have worked hard to develop a new algorithm that calculates the complexity score more precisely. It will help us prevent abuses and ensure that our GraphQL service remains fast and efficient for all customers.

The complexity score is calculated based on the number of fields requested and other factors contributing to the computational resources needed to process the query. You can read more about how we generate this score and where to obtain it on the updated doc page.

The maximum complexity score in your plan might be higher than the default. However, we encourage all customers to review their queries and optimize them to reduce their complexity score where possible. You can see what's your plan limit on your dashboard page.

As you know, our GraphQL server returns the HTTP header X-Complexity with the score of the given query. Today we have added a new header named X-Max-Complexity that shows your current plan limit. This pair of headers will help you identify which queries will start to return an error starting from June 12, and thus need a change.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we make this important change.

Content Delivery API
Improved HEX notation for Color Fields in Content Delivery API
April 11th, 2023

We're excited to announce that we're upgrading the management of CSS hex color notation in color fields for the Content Delivery API. Starting today, we'll be using the 8-digits hex color notation, or #RRGGBBAA, which includes the alpha channel.

Current behavior

Currently, color fields return a CSS hex string that follows the 6 digits hex color notation. Unfortunately, this notation doesn't include the alpha channel. So when you query a color field, the hex value returned may not accurately represent the color you're looking for. For example, if you query a transparent color field, you may actually get the hex string for the color white.

Here's an example of the current behavior:

"color": {
"hex": "#FFFFFF",
"alpha": 0,
"blue": 255,
"green": 255,
"red": 255
Improved behavior

To address this issue, we're adopting the widely-used 8-digits hex color notation in the Content Delivery API. By using this notation, you'll get a more accurate representation of the color you're querying, including the alpha channel.

Here's an example of the improved behavior:

"color": {
"hex": "#FFFFFF00",
"alpha": 0,
"blue": 255,
"green": 255,
"red": 255
Who is affected by this change?

This change will apply to all brand new DatoCMS projects created from today onwards. If you have an existing project that you'd like to update, you can manually do so in the Environment Settings:

Please note that this change cannot be undone, so we strongly recommend testing the effects in a sandbox environment before applying the change to your primary environment.

We hope this change will improve your experience when working with color fields in the Content Delivery API. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.